What’s Cooking? Predicting Cuisines from Recipe Ingredients

Semester Project - Information Retrieval and Artificial Intelligence - CS317 & CS401 - FAST NUCES (Karachi)

What’s Cooking? Predicting Cuisines from Recipe Ingredients

Kaggle is an online platform for hosting data science competitions. On September 9, Kaggle opened a contest called “What’s Cooking?”. The goal of this contest is to predict the type of a cuisine (e.g. “Chinese” or “Mexican”) from the list of ingredients in a recipe. In this paper, Kevin K. Do and his team describes their methodology for training an algorithm to make such predictions, We implemented the paper in a Jupyter Notebook and Developed a Web Application that can predict cuisine types given the ingredients list.


Jupyter Notebook:

The Notebook Contains a Implementation of the paper.

Web System:

A Web Application is hosted at https://whats-cooking-ir.netlify.app/ .

  • Check Folder for Web Interface Code : IR-WEB-A3


Noman Anjum Hassan Ahmed Ahsan Ali
Noman Anjum Hassan Ahmed Ahsan Ali



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